Troels Jacobsen


Troels Jacobsen was born in 1971 in Denmark where he studied biology at the University of Southern Denmark, Odense. The studies were emphasised on animal behaviour and marine mammals and ended with a Masters degree in 2001 on neonate Bottlenose dolphin behaviour.
Throughout his life he has hat a sincere and keen interest in Nature particularly in the field of marine mammals. The day after his Masters defence he left for Iceland and worked as a whale watch guide leading more than 500 whale watch trips from Keflavik on the South West coast. Based in Odense, Denmark, Troels has worked as expedition leader, guide, lecturer, zodiac driver, for Oceanwide Expeditions, Holland, on almost all their different trips in Iceland, Svalbard, East Greenland, and Antarctica as well as the Atlantic Odyssey; So far more than 70 trips.
Between seasons he has occupied himself with various freelance scientific challenges in the field of marine mammals covering a multitude of aspects from photo identification of dolphins and large whales, survey work as well as participating in research on the accidental bi-catch of Harbour porpoises in commercial fishing gear.
Photography is the main interest of Troels, and you will only rarely find him without his gear whilst guiding in the magnificent Polar Regions. This interest has also resulted in his company PolarImages from where he sells his own work.