Morten Jørgensen
Morten Jørgensen has always loved the natural environment and especially its wildlife. He has travelled throughout his life, as a child living with his parents in Afghanistan, Tanzania and Malaysia, while later as an adult he has visited all seven continents.
Since 1997, he has been in the Arctic, working on small expedition cruise ships as guide, lecturer, zodiac driver and expedition leader. Since 2000, he has been working in similar positions in the Antarctic. He has also worked in temperate and tropical areas of the Indian, the Pacific and the Atlantic Oceans.
During the past 25 years, Morten has been an active ornithologist, a passion that has been supplemented with a love for marine mammals, whales and dolphins, seals and Polar bears alike. But there are no areas of nature that do not fascinate him. He gives high-quality lectures on birds, mammals and other wildlife, as well as on a series of human and environmental (mostly polar) topics (food-chains, sea- and glacier ice, etc.), supported by his own photographs. He is a keen photographer.
Morten is a skilled and very keen observer of wildlife, be it birds, mammals or other living beings. He is also very comfortable with the roles of guide, interpreter, lecturer and leader. Morten enjoys sharing the adventure of visiting remote areas with fellow passengers, and he also values the opportunity to point out to visitors the sensitivity of the wilderness and its inhabitants, stressing key points of vulnerability, conservation and sustainability.