Ignazia Biddocchi

Born in Orbetello in 1955 in a paradisiacal environment, I can only be a nature and animals lover. Cynophilist, working as judge in dog contests specially dedicated to the Nordic breeds both in Italy and abroad. As a child my favorite toy was the globe. The land/sea borders are worn out  by my finger. The passion for geographical maps remains today and therefore seeing the world becomes a priority.
At 22 years my first trip to the south of Tunisia. Desert and off-road with the man who will become my life partner. Always by ourselves we have traveled extensively all over the world, choosing the little-traveled places out of mass tourism.
In 2014 my husband suddenly died. In one night, life left him. I decided to keep traveling even without him. Nothing is like before, but my old globe tells me that there are still many things to see.