Enrico Mazzoli
Born in Trieste the 25th of February of 1953, he has a degree in political sciences, he is Liutenant Colonel of the Trieste municipal police.
Member of the CAI (Club Alpino Italiano) since the age of 16, he climbed almost 1000 peaks in the Alps, he expecially likes the icy western and central Alps.
In the last years he joined some naturalistic and ethnographic voyages around the world, but expecially in Africa. In 2007 he had been one of the founders of the Ethnographic Museum of the Oromo Culture in Kofele, Ethiopia.
In 2005 he went for the first time in the Arctic, he travelled by ski along the east coast of Greenland. In 2007, for the International Polar year, he joined an expedition to the Svalbard archipelago mounted by Gianluca Frinchillucci.
As a journalist expert of history, Enrico published many books. In connection with polar topics he wrote:
“Dall’Adriatico ai Ghiacci – ufficiali dell’Austria/Ungheria con i loro marinai Istriani, Fiumani e Dalmati alla conquista dell’Artico”, published in 2003 by the Museo Nazionale dell’Antartide “Felice Ippolito” (Edizioni della Laguna, Mariano del Friuli).
Then in 2007 “Viaggio ai Confini del Mondo – la spedizione polare Weyprecht/Payer, alle origini dell’Anno Polare Internazionale 2007-2008”, published in the series “Circolo Polare” by Biblion Edizioni in Milano.
He also wrote, together with other autors, the book “Carl Weyprecht (1838-1881) Seeheld, Polarforscher, Geophysiker” published in 2008 by the Accademy of Sciences of Austria, and the book “Dai Ghiacci allo Spazio – la storia dell’ufficiale di Marina Carl Weyprecht, alle origini degli anni internazionali 2007-2009”, it will be soon published by the Museo Nazionale dell’Antartide “Felice Ippolito” (Edizioni Biblion – Milano).