Alberto Caspani


He graduated in theoretical philosophy at the University of Milan, with a thesis on the topic “Monitoring and transgression in Michel Foucault,” Alberto Caspani mainly works as a freelance journalist in the travel industry. His many trips have allowed him to develop on the field comparative studies of the main spiritual and philosophical traditions in Asia, in Africa, the Americas and Oceania, collaborating with, among others, the Teosophical Society in Chennai (India), the Kaurna Cultural Centre Adelaide (Australia), the Dungur Shamans Centre in Kyzyl (Russia), the Tibetisches Buddhistisches Zentrum Huettenberg (Austria), as well as the Atelier Immaginale managed by the Association Iris at the University of Milan Bicocca. He organized several expeditions ​​over the years, most recently in the Russian Arctic (2012), as well as in the rainforest of Gabon (2011), for the disputed territory of Kashmir (2009) up to the remote areas of the cannibalistic tribe in Papua (2008), during the many expeditions some initiations in local cults such as the Bwiti or shamanism of Yakutia and Tuva.
When in Biassono, a small town in Brianza, he cooperate with the local museum ( and with the research group Lambro, holding seminars in philosophy at the University of leisure.

Free lance journalist
Il Giorno,
Travel Quotidiano,
Russia Oggi,
Gruppo Editoriale l’Espresso,